Friday, June 4, 2010

India Turns Eco-friendly-Inherently!

Well folks, it is official now..

Indians have best green behavior : Global Survey

We have emerged to be the nation with the most eco-friendly citizens of all. But that is where one should stop and think, we are not like the U.S of A, with temperatures forcing us to heat our homes, nor are we a nation with a tech saavy populace, which necessitates the authorities to curb the growing e-waste problems. We are, of ages untold, a nation with conservatism taught from the childhood, and nature is our second abode by default. That is, we are eco-friendly inherently. There is no denying that there are notable environmentalists in our nation, but what I feel is, other than our sub-conscious urge to stay eco-friendly, not many people make any notable contribution to the environment. That's what we are to inculcate with this recent accolade.

" Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature." said Dennis Gabor, Inventing the Future, (incidentally, it is his 110th Birthday today), in Inventing the Future . This is actually proving to be true! The today's man has evolved so much by nature that its become his instinct to act against the nature... Why, when one sees a strip of sparse land, we start thinking like, "I wonder what building they'd build here. Hope its a nice mall... " True?

“For 200 years we've been conquering Nature. Now we're beating it to death.” Tom McMillan, quoted in Francesca Lyman, The Greenhouse Trap, It is high time we woke up... If not a fully fledged makeover in our ways of life, a conscious step towards betterment is something that'd signify a change of our perspective.
My dear niece, for instance this time has urged her family and friends into not burning crackers and sparkles this Diwali.... Applaud able for someone so young to act so responsibly...

As never seen before, 25 tigers strayed into Sunderbans villages and left around a dozen people injured... They are known to not cross their natural habitat and defend their territory feircely...Rise in water level in the rivers and increasing salinity there in are forcing them to do so...Kaola bears usually known to be shy,(In Australia) have come out into the wide open and started Begging cyclists for water...Excessive digging of roads ( once for communication lines, then for electric cables, again for expansion, then for broadband...again and yet again) and unnecessary bore-wells ( even in areas where there's respectable water table there.. 'contingency, son' they answer in all austere...) are not things that the nature will forgive. The massive and almost perfectly circular sinkhole that swallowed an entire intersection in Guatemala City over the weekend is no random mishap, but a clear indicator of structured destruction of the nature... M.Night Shyamalan's movie, "The happening" too tries to drive the same idea..

Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth. As for me, I'd like to create myself a new motto.... to:

Take nothing from the nature, but pictures.
Leave behind nothing more but footprints.
Kill nothing but time....

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