Sunday, August 29, 2010

Th glorious days

How did one survive growing up in the 80's and 90's?
We had no seatbelts, no airbags and sitting in the back of a truck was a treat
Our baby prams had the most gorgeous lead based colours
No such thing as tamper proof bottle tops

Opening kitchen cupboards was a breeze as safety locks were unheard off
Cycling was like a breath of fresh air
No safety helmets, knee pads or elbow pads, with plenty of cardboards between spokes to make it sound like a motorbike

When thirsty we only drank tap water, bottled water was still a mystery
We kept busy collecting bits & pieces so we could build all sort of things and we were fearless on our bikes even when the brakes failed going downhill
We were showing off how tough we are, by how high we could climb trees & then jumping down. It was great fun.

We could stay out to play for hours, as long as we got back before dark, in time for dinner
We walked to school, or sometimes we even rode our bike.
We had no mobile phones, but we always managed to find each other. How? No one knows.
We lost teeth, broke arms & legs, we got cuts and bruises and bloody noses. nobody complained as we had so much fun, it wasn't anybody's fault, only ours
We ate everything in sight, cakes, bread, chocolate, ice-cream, sweet sugary drinks, yet, we stayed skinny by fooling around.

And if one of us was lucky to find a 1 litre coca cola bottle we all had a swag from it & guess what? Nobody picked up any germs....
We did not have Play Stations, MP3, I-Pods, Video games, 99 Cable TV channels, DVD's, Home Cinema, Mobile phones, Home Computers, Laptops, Chat-rooms, Internet, etc ... BUT, we had REAL FRIENDS!!!!
We called on friends to come out to play, never rang the doorbell, just went around the back.
We loved being let loose in the big bad world without bodyguards
We played with sticks and stones, played cowboys and Indians, doctors and nurses, hide and seek, soccer games, over and over again

We had freedom, success, disappointments and responsibilities. ...
Most of all, we learned to respect others

Are YOU from that generation?? If that's the case, email this to all your friends from the same era.
Maybe this message will help them forget the stress that surrounds us these days. and just for a few moments puts a smile to their faces as they remember what life was really like in the good old days.
Don't you think they were GREAT DAYS.....I sure think so.
I Just can't stop smiling , I am sure U will have the same ............ ......


  1. beautiful post really! :) but i have to disagree on one count. we had beautiful tv programmes in the nineties! better cartoons than now that used to be telecast in english, unlike the nonsense they now call cartoons. cartoon netwrok was so simple back then with the full cartoon netwrok written, now it all stupid, half baked badly translated programmes to spoil the kid! we had lots of company too, when there were no friends around( meaning we were in a train or somewhere else,) we had gokulam chandamama chacha chaudhury, tinkle, and what not, to keep us busy, we didnt stick to just one device like the PSP either! Really golden days when we used to look out of the train window for a long time, fighting for the window seat, enjoying the way how the poles flew past! it was a glorious world we grew up in! :) somehow i cant digest power rangers against swat cats or he man :P

  2. you said it bro!! loved reading it..! The memories of 90s is something which will definitely haunt our generation until we live! Miss those days..!!
